Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hello. Man, last nites game was pretty sweet. We won....of course. Yeah, it was grade A-mazing! (sorry Sean for "stealing" your saying). Anyways, I cant think of anything to say at the moment so I'll probably edit this and update some more later...
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Mas meus bordos feriram o bad real!
MAN, ATF was absolutely amazing!! Well, except for the fact that there was the same speaker, guest speaker, worship leader, worship songs, and......yeah thats about it. I thought the play thing was absolutely amazing, though!! I loved it when the firework things shot off!! Wait, why would they shoot those off if we had just been on the news about some gas leak?!!? THats not the brightest thing to do, BUT it was still really fun. I think I almost turned into a pryomaniac....jk. Im not that weird. Anyways, I thought the message was awesome! Kinda scary in some parts if you think about it, but cool none the less. LIke when he said it could be down to 4% christians in a couple of decades....gives me chills.....almost. So........did you all like it?? Yeah, I thought so...
Oh man, I was so upset when they didnt turn up Pillar OR even play mine and Sean's favorite song!! CRAZY!! (in a bad way)!! I didnt especially like Cross Movement or Superchick (sorry Alies!!). I just wasnt feelin 'em. jk... The chicks hair was kinda......awkward......and that one guy playin base had too high of a voice.. kinda creepy. Her outfit was I eat though....not sayin I would wear it seein as how Im a guy..but, yeah. So.......I guess I'll go to church now and uh....yeah. BYE
Ok, this is later time......I already went to church and it was flippin amazing!! I loved Lance's upright base! IT WAS INCREDIBLE! HE even let me play it for a while.... Yeah, so afer church I got to chill with my dad for a while and we went to KFC and got a "MANS" meal.. It was funny cuz he just read this stuff off of the menu thing in chronological order.......if you were there you would understand, but it was stinkin hilarious. Yeah, I love hangin with my dad!! HES SO COOL! I love him.....yeah so after that he let me drive to Oski. to watch Ryans came in which they totally whooped the other team...46-20! Go RYAN! He scored a bunch of points too, it was incredible. After that we drove to Lawrence and had another church service at another church and it was sweet. That was the funnest history class ever! lol ....yeah so after that Tim and I went with the Aliy's and went to Sonic and then they took us home...It was Awesome, except for the fact that I felt absolutely terrible for not going home with my dad.....made me wanna cry cuz he had to drive home from Lawrence by himself. Hopefully he enjoyed the quiet..
Yep....thats my weekend..LOng enough post for ya?? Yeah me too.... Ok, I'll see ya'lls Wednesday..
J.C. OUT!!!
P.S. Jeremy Camp was WEARING CONTACTS!!!! (sorry Ali and Aley, but I guess we disagree on something for once) jk.
Oh man, I was so upset when they didnt turn up Pillar OR even play mine and Sean's favorite song!! CRAZY!! (in a bad way)!! I didnt especially like Cross Movement or Superchick (sorry Alies!!). I just wasnt feelin 'em. jk... The chicks hair was kinda......awkward......and that one guy playin base had too high of a voice.. kinda creepy. Her outfit was I eat though....not sayin I would wear it seein as how Im a guy..but, yeah. So.......I guess I'll go to church now and uh....yeah. BYE
Ok, this is later time......I already went to church and it was flippin amazing!! I loved Lance's upright base! IT WAS INCREDIBLE! HE even let me play it for a while.... Yeah, so afer church I got to chill with my dad for a while and we went to KFC and got a "MANS" meal.. It was funny cuz he just read this stuff off of the menu thing in chronological order.......if you were there you would understand, but it was stinkin hilarious. Yeah, I love hangin with my dad!! HES SO COOL! I love him.....yeah so after that he let me drive to Oski. to watch Ryans came in which they totally whooped the other team...46-20! Go RYAN! He scored a bunch of points too, it was incredible. After that we drove to Lawrence and had another church service at another church and it was sweet. That was the funnest history class ever! lol ....yeah so after that Tim and I went with the Aliy's and went to Sonic and then they took us home...It was Awesome, except for the fact that I felt absolutely terrible for not going home with my dad.....made me wanna cry cuz he had to drive home from Lawrence by himself. Hopefully he enjoyed the quiet..
Yep....thats my weekend..LOng enough post for ya?? Yeah me too.... Ok, I'll see ya'lls Wednesday..
J.C. OUT!!!
P.S. Jeremy Camp was WEARING CONTACTS!!!! (sorry Ali and Aley, but I guess we disagree on something for once) jk.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
如果鞋子適合, 把它放在您的頭上 (CHINESE)
hello amigos!! como é você?? Você é excitado para adquire o fogo?? MIM DEMASIADO!! Im excitado assim! A coluna está indo balançar a casa!! E quem podia esquecer-se sobre o acampamento de Jeremy? LÁ INDO SER!! (PORTUGUESE)
Yeah grazie così tanto Ali ed Aley per essere così freddo!! Tipi realmente lo avete aiutato la notte scorsa al gruppo della gioventù! Se tipi non foste là, l'identificazione probabilmente è guasto. COSÌ...... congettura di.i li vedrò tutti a (ITALIAN)
Yeah grazie così tanto Ali ed Aley per essere così freddo!! Tipi realmente lo avete aiutato la notte scorsa al gruppo della gioventù! Se tipi non foste là, l'identificazione probabilmente è guasto. COSÌ...... congettura di.i li vedrò tutti a (ITALIAN)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Wattup guys?? Yeah, Im so excited ABOUT ACQUIRE THE FIRE!!!!! Its gonna be flippin intense..Last year, it was THE coolest thing..The skits were funny and had an awesome message and the speakers, although quite weird, were cool as well.. I really loved TFK!!! THey were sweet!! and also KJ-52! Is was awesome!! This year PILLAR is gonna BE THERE!! AWESOME! So is JEREMY CAMP. OH YEAH!! ITs gonna be sweet. Im also gonna bring my junky board and a rail so during some of the free time, I'll get to skate with Sean and Justin. Oh, and just cuz I LIKE to skate doesnt mean Im totally obsessed with it, ok?? OK. I mean sure, skating is cool and I do it when theres nothing else to do, but ITS NOT MY LIFE...
Monday, February 20, 2006

HELLO. Hows it goin??? Thats good. Yeah well lets see.......so far this weekend I havent done too much. Saturday me and Ryan went to the Roberts and chilled for awhile. Sunday I went to church and listened to another of my dad's awesome sermons, yet again. After church I went to Sean's house and we skated alot and then we left to the Roberts house and chilled yet again and watched.....MAJOR PAYNE...(sp)(PAIN??). So yeah....here I am at Sean's the next day doin absolutely nothing. I think Sean is playing his bass skills and then we're gonna go skate......well thats all for the life of me......
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Well, I must say that this weekend is pretty intense so far....Friday me and ryan went over to the Roberts and chilled with Ali and Hayden for a couple of hours and that was pretty flippin sweet. Then today I've been just hangin out at home and I ordered myslef some new wheels and a new deck.....IM SO HAPPY!!! My parents are so COOL!! I dont think they hate skateboarding anymore!! Im glad I influenced him into believing the right thing......lol. Anyways, other than that Im just about to head over to Luke's and get some poker goin on.....with dough. Yeah, now I have motivation to actually win, cuz I'll win money to spend at the SKATE DEMO tomorrow!! Yeah...skate demo.......cant wait. Well, I'll talk to you beautiful persons later.
Я наклоняю ожидание для того чтобы пойти к церков завтра!
Well, I must say that this weekend is pretty intense so far....Friday me and ryan went over to the Roberts and chilled with Ali and Hayden for a couple of hours and that was pretty flippin sweet. Then today I've been just hangin out at home and I ordered myslef some new wheels and a new deck.....IM SO HAPPY!!! My dad is so COOL!! I dont think he hates skateboarding anymore!! Im glad I influenced him into believing the right thing......lol. Anyways, other than that Im just about to head over to Luke's and get some poker goin on.....with dough. Yeah, now I have motivation to actually win, cuz I'll win money to spend at the SKATE DEMO tomorrow!! Yeah...skate demo.......cant wait. Well, I'll talk to you beautiful persons later.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Whattup guys?? Im just chillin here in "Spanish". Actually IM supposed to be in Spanish but we got the teacher to let us come into the computer lab to do whatever we wanted all hour. I've done anything I wanted for three class periods today. Its kinda fun, if you know what I mean. Anyways, IM GOIN TO SEE THE PINK PANTHER MOVIE TODAY!! Im so excited, i really cant wait.. Its gonna be intense. yep, other than that, I've got absolutely nothing to say...
So um..........BYE BYE
So um..........BYE BYE
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Tutti sarete il mio Valentine!! Tehehe...
Wattup guyz/chicas?? Um..sorry I couldnt come to Youth Group an all, but my parents just thought it was time to have family time....I actually agree with them for once cuz lately we hadnt been gettin along as well as we used to! Anyways, I finally ordered myself a Fiberlight skateboard...I've been waiting for this for SO LONG!! Yeah, its pretty intense...OH! And its a YES on the goin to the movies tomorrow! My parents gave in without us havin to suckup or beg or ANYTHING!! It was quite amazing. Oh, I finally got my computer to let me have AIM. Yeah, i did. My name thing is chizzler2222......four 2's!! Yeah, well I guess I'll see you guys at the movies tomorrow or I'll just see you Sunday, ok?? OK.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Наилучшим образом, я думаю я идет пойти поручает суицид. НАСЛАДИТЕСЬ!!
Whattup HOMESLICE???!! Geeze, for some reason Im glad that SINGLES AWARENESS DAY is OVER!! I mean, theres nothin wrong with it an all, but like.....i dont know; I have no reason for saying what I just said, I just wanted to say it so someone would... Anyways, I have to go to this lamo basketball game tonite. (tear) I DONT WANNA GO!!! I'll be surrounded by weird people that arent my friends and I think Im gonna die.. hhhhh..... Speaking of vomit (inside joke)....I like popsicles. YOU DO TOO??!!!? I knew it.
I really cant wait for tomorrow to come. YOUTH GROUP!!! IM SO EXCITED!!! Youth is the highlight of my week every week!!!
Well, expect maybe for Thursday.....MOVIE DAY!!! Im gonna go see the PINK PANTHER....oh wait.....you all already knew that...oh well. I heard its flippin hilarious!! Say "Hamburger"........."DeBurger!!'........Thats a thigh slappin head-throw-backer!!! Anyways....thats all for my pathetic week....
I really cant wait for tomorrow to come. YOUTH GROUP!!! IM SO EXCITED!!! Youth is the highlight of my week every week!!!
Well, expect maybe for Thursday.....MOVIE DAY!!! Im gonna go see the PINK PANTHER....oh wait.....you all already knew that...oh well. I heard its flippin hilarious!! Say "Hamburger"........."DeBurger!!'........Thats a thigh slappin head-throw-backer!!! Anyways....thats all for my pathetic week....
Sunday, February 12, 2006
IM COSÌ ALESATO!!! ( Italian )
Jon's B-days were pretty flippin intense, ya know?? Watchin movies and eating cake...........what could I want more?!?? Then, we had another B-day party for him the next day at da church which was pretty cool...........until we got to about the 50th round of Sardines. Then it got kinda boring. Then I left with Sean and we played a little Halo, watched a skate video, and then slept happily ever after... except for the fact that I had to sleep on a hard floor.....that really sucked. Oh well. Then went to church come Sunday and was gonna go see Pink Panther but couldnt.......and now I await my grandparents coming over. Hhhh........right now, Im so BORED. Jon and Tim are at work and Dad and ryan went to a basketball game and Mom and David are at Walmart.
Well, I'll leave you all on that happy note.
-i'm out-
Well, I'll leave you all on that happy note.
-i'm out-
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wow, I've had a completely JAM PACKED weekend!! Lets see, acually I cant remember any specific dates or anything!! All I know is that Aley, Hayden and Ali came over and watched BROTHERS GRIM and HOSTAGE. BROTHERS GRIM was an awesome movie except for the end.... And then, the Alies wanted to watch Hostage, a movie in which I hid under the blanky most of the time. I'll admit it, Im a wuss when it comes to Thrillers and Horror movies.. THen come Sunday, went to church and had then went PAINTBALLING!!! It was sweet!! except for when Mike was bein a jerk and a poorsport and came up to me after the game and shot me in the leg from like.........point-blank range!! I wanna hurt him so bad!! BUT not really. Its his problemo. Then I dad asked me If i wanted to help him at the church for awhile cuz he really needed it, So I did..(even though I had just invited Ali and Hayden and Aley over).. couple hours later, I got home and we watched the SUPERBOWL!! Actually I didnt, never mind. We played basketball and I skateboarded and played MAN HUNT. IT was pretty intense. Monday, I worked all day at the church and thats my weekend. Oh and wednesday nite was completely totally inhumanely AWESOME!!! I must admit, the coolest part of the concert was when they called Me, Jon, Cody, and Luke onto the stage to sing Jesus Freak with them!! It had to be the coolest thing ever!!! I partied like it was 1969!, just like I said. Ok, Im done, bye bye.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Im così eccitato circa il concerto!!
HI EVERYBODY!! Are you guys/girls ready for the concert on Wednesday??? I AM!! I CANT WAIT!!! Like the youth blog said, you guys need to bring as many people as you can!! Its gonna be totally spectacularly insanely INTENSE!! WAY MORE INTENSE THAN THE ALL OF THE EPISODES OF HERCULES COMBINED!!!!! Yeah, you know its gonna be intense if its better than Hercules. I CANT WAIT. We're gonna party until I cant party anymore! WOO HOO!!! Plus, I might go paintballin tomorrow!! That'd be sweet! Im so excited. Now I just need to think up somethin to do on monday... hmm...dont know. oh well.
Well, I gotta go help my dad cut some wood to burn for this years harsh winds and coldness. BYE BYE
Well, I gotta go help my dad cut some wood to burn for this years harsh winds and coldness. BYE BYE
Friday, February 03, 2006
Yeah, sorry about not updating an all, its just that school has been so.............HORRIBLE.... I used to be able to tolerate it, but now I feel that If I have to go through one more day of school, IM GONNA IMPLODE!! Not explode, .......implode.
Anyway, on a less gorey (sp) subject, Im so glad that i have a 3 DAY WEEKENd. I hope its not full of work and labor, but instead hangin with you guys. Well, I have to go now, so bye bye.
Anyway, on a less gorey (sp) subject, Im so glad that i have a 3 DAY WEEKENd. I hope its not full of work and labor, but instead hangin with you guys. Well, I have to go now, so bye bye.