JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.: Наилучшим образом, я думаю я идет пойти поручает суицид. НАСЛАДИТЕСЬ!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Наилучшим образом, я думаю я идет пойти поручает суицид. НАСЛАДИТЕСЬ!!

Whattup HOMESLICE???!! Geeze, for some reason Im glad that SINGLES AWARENESS DAY is OVER!! I mean, theres nothin wrong with it an all, but like.....i dont know; I have no reason for saying what I just said, I just wanted to say it so someone would... Anyways, I have to go to this lamo basketball game tonite. (tear) I DONT WANNA GO!!! I'll be surrounded by weird people that arent my friends and I think Im gonna die.. hhhhh..... Speaking of vomit (inside joke)....I like popsicles. YOU DO TOO??!!!? I knew it.
I really cant wait for tomorrow to come. YOUTH GROUP!!! IM SO EXCITED!!! Youth is the highlight of my week every week!!!
Well, expect maybe for Thursday.....MOVIE DAY!!! Im gonna go see the PINK PANTHER....oh wait.....you all already knew that...oh well. I heard its flippin hilarious!! Say "Hamburger"........."DeBurger!!'........Thats a thigh slappin head-throw-backer!!! Anyways....thats all for my pathetic week....




Blogger Aley said...

yaya yayayayaya youth group tonight! Speaking of vomit...SOOO funny! oh man! lol I'm so excited to see the pink panther, I'm prepared to laugh histerically throughout the entire thing! fo sho! lol see ya in a few hours home dawg!

10:59 AM  

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