I cant believe that Thanksgiving break is already over!! That gets me kinda ticked off knowing i have to go back to school but still..........that had to be the coolest break ever
First was goin to see Harry Potter 4 with Ali and Hayden and their sister. That was the awesomest movie ever! It was kinda creepy though when you saw Voldemort's nose. That reminded me of ryan but i dont know why.jk .
Then i went to Cody's and didnt go to sleep until 5:30 in the flipping morning!!! Then we had to wake up at 8:30!! That really really really really really sucked. So did the putting up of the barb-wire fence, but hangin out with Cody the whole time made it worth it in the end. True story!!! (Do ya know what movie thats off of??)
Anyway, that night we had the coolest most awesomest party in the universal galaxy thingamabobber. The 4-wheeler tag was awesome until everyone got too tired to play anymore and then i just went and hung out with the 2 coolest aleys/alis in the world on the hay bail. It was cool cause there were alot of stars out that night and i saw Mars... and saw the man on the moon who happened to be dancing to Kumbaiya(sp).
The next day we played foozball at St. Phil's, I mean Mary's ( sorry i was dozing off into space) and i didnt do that well but good enough to not break a bone and to get uno touchdown. . . . . Later that night we saw Madagascar (I like to move it, move it/I like to move it, move it/ I like to move it, move it/ You like to.................MOVE IT!!) That was hilarious, like when the king lemur guy said "I have an announcement to make so shutup!! That was a thigh-slappin head-throw-backer!! And then we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail which i dont think any of us will ever stop quoting.
The next day i went to church and worship practice but i didnt really talk as much as i usually do. I had a tiny headache. But its all good in the neighborhood!!
Yep, i'll remember that weekend for quite some time. hhhhhhhhh.....
THen school had to come and ruin everything. And to top that off, the snow came!! I mean i like snow and all, but not when it only snows like 1 cm. That is just good for nothing. I only like it when its thick enought to snowboard and sled on.
Well, this just happens to be breaking my record of longest posts in the universe. So i think i should get a medal or something:D
Chizzler out.