JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

So what if i choose not to update for a week?? What is the update police gonna do about it??? Oh, shun me from society.. What if i want to be shunned?? That way none of you can hurt my feelings by saying something mean!!(tear)(tissue)(toilet). Yeah, you heard me. Now you CANT hurt my feelings.

whoa. Im never gonna talk like that again. Its too.........whats the word..................um, lets see.................EMO!!!

Im not like a bunch of the kiddy, sissy, whiner-babies that work for the news company in Bruce Almighty. Oops, JC made a funny:)))

OK, im done. Ive had my fun with trying to act like the opposite of me.

If you get anything ive just said, you are the 1st because even i, the GREAT JC, dont get anything ive just said. Im just blabbin on and on.


Oh my, im at the church right now and some chinese, asian, or korean guy who cant speak english very well came in and wanted jon to jump his car but jon doesnt have any cables. So jon says he is going to go to a parts shop and buy jumper cables. I hope this isnt some scam thing where the guy is trying to luer jon into a trap. Oh boy. See ya.

CHizzler out.


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