JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ya know what?? Im thinkin about quitting this whole "blog" business. I get like 2 COMMENTS TOPS!!! CRAZY!!! Even people that siclude themselves from the rest of the world and have no friends except their pet squirrel, HAVE MORE COMMENTS THAN ME!!! Pathetic. Im like a Nerd+++++ !!!!! I guess my only true friends are Ali and Aley cuz theyre the only ones who comment me!!! Luke doesnt, Cody doesnt, Bob, doesnt, Sean doesnt ( but seans my friend anyway cuz me and him are like this..........uh, that was a hand-gesture) ANYWAY, if I dont get more than 10 COMMENTS, IM DONE!!!!! FOREVER!!!

PEACE OUT......... and enjoi.


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