JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hello one and all. I just thought I'd update cuz I havent in a while. So boorriingg....Im still at school waitin for Ryan to get out so we can finally leave these evil place of torture. I think Im seriously about to die.

On a happier note, Im no longer all twisted up with the Alies. Let me clarify. Yesterday everyone seemed to be getting mad or annoyed with everyone. Now all of that is over and life goes on. I, for one, thought Youth went splendidly peachy yesterday...........hold on....be back in a spell.....

Ok Im back.

Oh, I have to tell you about something I did yesterday after school. It was hilarious!!! All right here goes:

Yesterday after school this really popular junior came up to me and asked if she could have some of my soda. What she didnt know was that I just dropped my soda like.....3 times and seeing as how much I hate popularity, I let her have it. Next thing you know she has Cherry Coke all over her!! I think I'll remember that for a long time. Well, I really have to leave now...




Blogger Aley said...

Oh my goodness JC, if that weren't so funny, I'd say it was mean! lol I bet she loves you now! I thought youth group went wonderfully as well...after you stopped trying to blow bubbles! lol later homie. TGIF....the 13th!!!!!

11:27 AM  

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