JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

That was the coolest Christmas ever!! My parents bought me a bunch of random things that were flippin awesome. They bought me a really expensive shirt, a pillow, another pillow, some gum, a clock, a comb, a WALLET on a chain, some candy, and thats about it..........oh and my grandparents and my aunt gave me a little money.

Goin to Ali's place on Friday was the highlight of that week. It was totally sweet. We played an awesome game (I forgot what it was called temporarily). And then the Alies had a drawing spree all over my arms. Seriously, they wrote the coolest, most random things ever. Oh Im supposed to wear it all til Ali comes back from California, but I didnt. I took a picture though, and I'll draw it back on when she gets back. Hopefully thats just as good.

Today at church was flippin awesome. We had like and hour service with no sermon and then I skated out on the street for a little bit with Phil. It was pretty "I eat". I have to leave in about............oh........20 minutes to go to my favorite grandma is world's house. We're gonna open some presents and then go home and have a humongous feast. (Is that how you spell humongous???)

Well, I'll talk to ya'lls later...............ya'lls???? When did I start using that?? NO!!!!NEVER!!??

I meant that i'll talk to you all later skater.


"Jingle bells
Batman smells
Robin laid an agg

Batmobile lost a wheel


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