JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Wow, today was an ok day except that i had a killer headache the whole time. Plus, I have to study for finals which are next week, which totally bites balogney.


On a happier note, we have a band concert tonight. Wait, did I say happier?? Oh well. Hopefully we wont suck, which there's a 99.9% that we will, but hey! band concerts are supposed to stink. You are all invited to come and have a terribly awesome time.

Ooh, last night at youth was totally awesome (even though we didnt get to do worship with drums and guitars and girl singers) but Luke did an awesome job anyway. I especially enjoyed layin a smackdown on Justin. That released a lot of stress..jk. That game where you had to make someone laugh was hilarious!! Just watchin David's face made me laugh like crazy, especially when Luke tried to crack him and he's like, " Are you retarded??" It was a thigh-slappin head-throw-backer!!

Well, I have to go because I just realized that I have a drum lesson and a band concert to go to tonight.

JC out


Blogger Aley said...

I really liked the concert last night! You guys were flippin' awesome! And we wouldn't have been able to tell you guys messed up had you not told us! lol And I agree about youth group, David asking Luke if he was retarded had to be the highlight of the night, maybe my whole week! Too funny, *sigh* see you tonight homie. later

5:50 AM  

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