JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Wow, today at church was pretty cool, even though i was told i looked very tired by more than one person, even though I was perfectly hyper. It was probably cause i had to sleep on a hard floor with i tiny blanket and was surrounded by the cold. But its all good in the neighborhood.

On another note, I cant wait till worship practice tonight. Hopefully we get to do some awesome songs that i wont screw up on like i usually do. Just hangin out with the youth peoples makes my day. Like this weekend, I totally cant wait to go see that "Chronicles of Narnia". Im so excited about it, and even the car ride home will be totally awesome cause we get talk about our innermost secrets. lol (that was probably not a real laugh out loud, but there was a hint of sarcasm in there, so im gonna start putting "S" after everything when i dont really laugh out loud.)

This sucks, though that we have to go to school tomorrow. You Alies are lucky you go to the same school and get to hang out like everyday. At least i get to hang out with Cody everyday. Ooohh!!! I just got an apostrophe!!! We should have a youth skip-school day sometime. Hmmmmm.......Im thinkin we should do it on a monday in January cause mondays suck and Everyone will have to be with family in December. How about January the 9th. Yeah, thats a Monday. We should hang out at our place and have another totally rockin partay all day and watch movies 'til 2:30 like we have previously.

hhhhhhhh........I just love my stupid ideas. There so................................stupidly genious. Well i gots to go make an announcement, so shut up!! "S". Asta la vista chicas and chicos!!


Chizzler on his way out.


Blogger Aley said...

Ali speaks the truth, we NEVER see each other at school, it sucks! I love your skipping school idea! That would be awesome! And don't be so hard on yourself (Jon does that for you) j/k!!! ( I was totally kidding) you always do well playing the drums. See ya wednesday, I can't wait for saturday either! Peace out homie.

6:50 AM  

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