JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.: CANT WAIT TIL CHRISTMAS!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005


I CANT WAIT TIL CHRISTMAS!! Its only 1 week away!!

Well, for those of you who dont know, I wont be in the state of Kansas for Christmas. Im hitchin a ride with the Roberts to California. They're gonna sneak me in one of their bags and I get to ride an airplane for free. The only bad part is that I wont get to eat any peanuts........unless I bring some.

Other than that, nothin much to say. Oh, except that Hayden's party was totally spectacularly awesome! We got him a bunch of Star Wars stuff and like $20. Pretty much all we did was watch movies. Then come Saturday, we watched the Island and Me, Ali, and Tim made a truffle thing and it was awesome.

We then left around 6:00 p.m. and got in trouble, but its all good.

Sunday we went to church and it turns out my dad had to go to work, so we didnt have a sermon. All we did was the normal worhip routine and was then supposed to have a "Dare-to-Care Dare-to-Share" thing that never happened so we just had one long break, just like this long, never-ending sentence.

Now I sit at my computer doing absolutely nothing and totally bored.


Bye bye



Blogger Aley said...

JC I'm sorry to hear you won't be here for Christmas...I bought you this amazing million dollar present but it can only be delivered on Christmas day and it must be delivered to you..so,I guess I'll call it all off and get my million dollars back. *sigh* too bad, you would have loved it! lol

8:28 AM  

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