JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.: May 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

Geeze,..at the moment im about to pass out from tiredness....im just waiting for the sun to go down so i can go to sleep...but in the meantime, i might as well tell you whats been goin so far this weekend..

lets see...
Saturday- we helped the Ponce's move their stuff from one barn to another which took freakishly long...BUT, there was this one fun part about it...when dad floored the van as we climed a very steep hill with a very steep backdrop...it was AWESOME!! We got like "3 ft. of AIR THAT TIME!!"lol...it was cool...yeah then we went home and slepped...
Sunday- went to church and had an amazing time learning about bananas in "sunday school". Then Tim and I went out to eat with Ali and Hayden to La Mesa's..it was goood...then we chilled at the Robert's place until 3:30 and left for David's farewell party...it was awesome...hangin with the youth and campin out...funfunfun...after the swimming in the pond, roasting of the marshmellows, and all of the other stuff...everyone but me, cody, and the alies retired... We just watched Hitch and The Village while Eric (who was supposed to be watching us) snored louder than a beached whale..then cody and aley left i went to sleep in my nice cozy bed at around 3:30....good times....
Monday- woke up around 7:05 and hung with everyone til they all finally left...and then went with Luke and Eric to work on the church until about 2:30... after that, tim and i went to the roberts place and chilled with Ali and hayden yet again! It was awesome! Mrs. Roberts made the BEST fries I've ever had the pleasure of devouring...and then we left for the food pantry at like...5 somethin..had the same cool usual thing....and left....

So here i sit..and it is now dark out....so im gonna go sleep until FPU...jk...til whenever i wake up...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

hey guys hows it goin? thats nice...geeze, you have NNNNOOOO idea how much i wanna get outta this state....i cant wait til June...even though i'll miss some of you...i still cant wait...its gonna be awesome...the camp place even has a dirtbike track and 4wheelers...its gonna be INSANE...yep....

so...this weekend was..ok..i watched too many movies..WWWAAYYY to many movies..and then i went to all the graduations...which was..fun *wink*wink*...the second one was though....

ok, im leaving now, bell rang...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hello ONE AND ALL!! Ok, have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride on an AIR BALLOON?? me neither.....hmm....oh! What about a Ugoslavian Blimp?! That one I HAVE wondered about!! but not really....

Oh, Congrats to all you seniors!! Lucky..SNOSH!! (im sick of the whole Napolean Dynomite thing "GOSH!"...its too lame now...its now..SNOSH!) Kinda catchy, aye? Ok, well...i had a freakishly long day at school...and so im gonna go retire..until FPU....(Fairy Pony Universe!, my favorite show!!)...ok bye bye

Lord and Emperor
over all that is..cool

(im too lazy to put the lyrics,
i just thought you should know its a good song)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Hey guys whats happenin?? At the moment, im waiting for my mom to come and pick us up for school cuz the car isnt starting and the truck is outta gas.....So we're like.....really really late for schoool....its 8:15 right now..school started like....5 mintues ago...and mom wont be here for like.....20 minutes....THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! Being late to school on a MONDAY, what more could I want?!?

SO, thats my morning...if you feel that this post moves you in any way....give me a call......or a comment....either or.....i like to know what my fans are thinking...lol

Asta la vista!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

How MANY?!!?!?

SO how has your day been goin? HMM?? Ok, I've been thinkin, how many licks does it really take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?? I mean, i've been strugglin and strugglin to find the answer to this unknown mystery! They say, "they world MAYnever know." THey never said, the world WONTknow...ya see my point?? SO here I am trying to figure this troublesome mystery...and so far all I have to show for it is my purple tongue....oh well.....the world may never know.....but I shall!

Ok, enough of my amazing, awe-filled words of complete and utter wisdom....i dont want your ears to violently implode from hearing....or reading i guess.......the words of an angel......

'til next time....
Im JC Griffith, Wolf 4.2 News at 9....

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So here I am...sitting in the library...on a Tuesday. Im about to faint from boredom as I wait to leave this wretched place... I cant stand school...i feel as if its gonna kill me....literally....

Ok enough of that... im done..
SO did have fun at the uh...what was it...oh..the Food Pantry thing? I thought it was amazing...Haydens graphic story left me with quite a stomach ache...lol.. Ok, im leaving, bell rang..

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Hey guys.. Everyone have a good weekend?? I did...all accept being falsly accused....lol. So far, i went to Seans and stayed the nite.. which was fun cuz we watched AVP and "The Warriors"lol....that was an "interesting" movie.."Warriors, come out and playeyaa!" funny funny funny.... Yeah so then I went to church the next day and got to play drums...worship sounded really good... Oh, and then Tim...praught..( teach- taught...preach-praught...lol) It was really funny!! When Bob was tackling people....PRICELESS! I thought the funniest part was when David was like, who wants to eat little kitties?? And then Bob's like, "YOU DONT WANNA EAT LITTLE KITTIES??!?!" while running and tackled him....it was amazing...... I loved it. Ok, so um....thats it..oh wait, then we went to taco bell for a couple hours and had an amazing time....THE END

OH, and i think im done with Yahoo IM

Friday, May 05, 2006

Hey guys!! hows it goin?? Does anyone know who all is goin to help us move that one dude's house?? Oh well... So, did you all have a nice week??? IM SO GLAD ITS FRIDAY.........yeah.....ok, well i gotta go party...bye


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hey, um.....i dont have anything to say...havent had an exciting week...sorry