JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

OK, did anyone else besides me have fun in Lawrence?!!? I mean, all I've heard were negative comments about it. I actaully enjoyed it!! Even though I didnt even buy that much. OH WELL.....

On a differant subject, hows LIFE?? Hope you answered good or better! In case you dont know, as Im typing this Im in a semi-delirious mindset. Anything that pops into my head I type. Popsicles.......... Yeah.........
So....did you all have fun at Sean's partay?? I DID!! Even though I only got to stay to play about 3 rounds of Halo with him, but otherwise I had a complete blast!

Oh YEAH!! I totally forgot about going snowboarding on Friday!! It was amazing!! I didnt face plant as many times as last time!! I was so proud. I wish I was as good as Jon though. He was flippin amazing!! He got like....3 feet of air that time!! And I didnt see him fall even once.....crazy. Yep...snowboarding was really fun. I feel sorry for the Alie's though, cuz they seemed to be pretty sore the next day.....that bites. Plus, everyone who fell got cuts from the ice, but other than that,.....it was COOL.

Yep, so here I am typing away the innermost deepest uncalculatable thoughts of JC........


Blogger Aley said...

hey JC, so, yeah, I TOTALLY had fun at lawrence, fo sho! I think last weekend was the flippin coolest yeah? And yesterday at youth was a blast too! MMM, taco bell! I'm SOOOO excited about the talent show! Yeah!

11:57 AM  

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