JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hey guyz, whats happenin? Man, this week has been pretty sweet! Above all, I think YOUTH WAS AMAZING!!! I love it!! I really got into it and actually felt that i contributed to answering the question about predestination or not....well, more like....makin some ok points. It was fun watching Tim and Justin yell at each other over their opinions...... QUITE entertaining....

Well, thats all i have for today.. sorry

Chi KA!!! Here's the hook.....and hes.......OFF IT!!!



Blogger Aley said...

Hey JC, one of my favorite people in the whole wide world!!!! lol! What up homie J dawg?! I'm a tad hyper, coffee will do that to you..it's bad! lol! Anywho, TGIF oh man! I am sooooo excited for the weekend I can't even bring myself to put it into words! lol. Well, I'll see ya...uh...sometime! lol. Later homie!

11:04 AM  

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