JUST LIKE YOU (Three Days Grace)

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If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Wow, my weekend was pretty amazing....what about yours?? First...........actaully Im having a major brainfart right now. I dont really remember anything I did over the weekend except that I went to Seans and he came to mine and we had a "party" over at my house. I cant remeber when or what days they were on, though. OH well....So yeah. Then today I went and worked out with Cody and David for a good 45 minutes. It was pretty intense. And then ran a mile with cody, then went swimming for about an hour. After that the Alies got there and we went and worked out again and ran some more ( i almost died) then swam more..........whoa, looking over this I've come to the conclusion that I could have just said I went to the community center with come friends....but no, I decided to tell all of you what I had been doing step by step...(otherwise, my update would be like...2 sentences long).

So yeah....thats my weekend of fun and adventure. I guess I'll see all of your bright and shining faces sometime other than now.



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